IEEE 1057-2007

IEEE 1057-2007 IEEE Standard for Digitizing Waveform Recorders

standard by IEEE, 04/18/2008

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This standard defines specifications and describes test methods for measuring the performance of electronic digitizing waveform recorders, waveform analyzers, and digitizing oscilloscopes with digital outputs. The standard is directed toward, but not restricted to, general-purpose waveform recorders and analyzers.Special applications can require additional manufacturer information and verification tests not covered in this standard.IEEE Std 1057(TM) has many similarities to IEEE Std 1241(TM)-2000 [B24],1 which applies to analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). However, IEEE Std 1057 shall be used for waveform recorders, and IEEE Std1241-2000 shall be used for ADCs.


The main purpose of this standard is to ensure that manufactures and users of waveform recorders have a well-defined set of specifications and test methods so they can understand, describe, and compare the performance of these recorders using a common language.


Revision Standard - Active.Revision of IEEE Std 1057-1994. This standard defines specifications and describes test methods for measuring the performance of electronic digitizing waveform recorders, waveform analyzers, and digitizing oscilloscopes with digital outputs. The standard is directed toward, but not restricted to, general-purpose waveform recorders and analyzers. Special applications can require additional manufacturer information and verification tests not covered in this standard. IEEE 1057 has many similarities to IEEE 1241 Standard for Terminology and Test Methods for Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) . However, IEEE Std. 1057 shall be used for waveform recorders and IEEE Std. 1241 shall be used for ADCs.

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