ANSI/ASSE (Plumbing) 7000-2008

ANSI/ASSE (Plumbing) 7000-2008

Professional Qualifications Standard for Plumbing-Based Residential Fire Protection Systems Installers

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This series includes:

7010 - Plumbing-Based Residential Fire Protection Systems
Installers for One- and Two-Family DwellingsApplies to individuals who provides layout, detail calculationsfor plumbing-based residential fire protection systems for one- andtwo family dwellings, install such systems. The standard shallnot apply to the installation of stand-alone fire protection systems.

7020 - Plumbing-Based Residential Fire Protection Systems
Inspectors for One- and Two-Family DwellingsApplies to individuals who inspect plumbing-based residential fireprotection systems for one- and two-family dwellings. The standardshall not apply to the installation of stand-alone fire protection systems.

This product is included inASSE (Plumbing) STANDARDS SET - Professional Qualifications Standard for Plumbing-Based Residential Fire Protection Systems Installers Inspectors (ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 7000-2008)

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