AWWA QTC98254 An Overview of the Drinking Water Analytical Methods Strategic Plan

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1998

Brass, Herbert J.

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The objective of the Analytical Methods Strategic Plan is to provide a comprehensive three to five year strategy for accomplishing critical methods related tasks in the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (OGWDW) in an integrated fashion. The strategic plan is being used to manage the OGWDW analytical methods program. Projects are divided according to whether they are required by the SDWA Amendments, whether they are mandated programs, or are other activities. For each project, the strategic plan provides resource estimates and milestones and lists responsible project participants. Also, each project has an associated workplan. OGWDW uses the plan to manage and track progress and accomplishments. The plan provides a comprehensive assessment of methods related activities that are of significance to the water utility industry.

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